Supertangrams are the shapes made by joining four congruent isosceles right triangles edge-to-edge. They can be arranged to make various figures in a range of geometric puzzles, including some with substantial curricular value.
I sell plastic supertangrams.
They come in four colors, so I recommend purchasing a multiple of four sets.
The price is $3 per set, plus $12 for shipping and handling.
For ordering information, e-mail me.
Articles. I wrote about supertangrams in Geometric Puzzles in the Classroom, and in this blog post.
Books. I created many supertangram puzzles and organized them into five books.
They are free to download for your non-commercial use, and suitable for both recreational and classroom purposes.
I sell hard copies of SuperTangrams for Beginners, Book 2 for $5, including shipping and handling. For ordering information, e-mail me.
Classroom Unit. Supertangram Labs, including content suitable for grades 6 to 10.